PhantomH2O's utility-grade solution and AI-powered monitoring in a 'SaaS' (Solution-as-a-Service) platform, provides meaningful water conservation and monitoring solutions. We decided to do things differently, so depending on the specifics of your property, you may be able to install our system at a net zero cost or better to you. Once our system is installed it immediately begins conserving water, giving you 24/7 real-time visibility into your water use, and providing advanced leak-detection. This premium state-of-the-art system delivers you a powerful water management and monitoring system that creates peace of mind, saves you money, and conserves water every day.
Our AI-powered water monitoring system helps you by giving you real-time leak detection that is advanced enough to ignore common non-issue usage patterns that other systems are known for commonly flagging. It also helps limit your risk of expensive property damage, angry or displaced tenants, and business disruptions by catching leaks faster and giving you the information you need to quickly find and solve your water problems.
Our Unique Approach
Our approach involves partnering with you to find and implement the best solution for your property. We will analyze your specific property's historical water use and plumbing schematics to find the right solution that will help you conserve water, save money, and give you the right level of visibility into your use.
After our initial use analysis, we will work with you to get the right solution implemented and installed. Instead of charging you a large up-front cost to install our system, we will invest 100% of the up-front project costs (including equipment, technology, and installation of the system) at our expense. That means all you pay is a monthly monitoring payment... and often times, the savings you receive from our system is higher than your monthly payment, making your property more profitable.
Along with delivering you a customized solution for your property, saving you money, and conserving you water, we also install top-of-the-line equipment. We focus on providing you the most accurate and actionable information, and as a part of that goal, we install utility-grade equipment. Utility-grade equipment lasts longer, provides more accurate readings, and delivers a premium water management experience.
Empowered Water Management = Peace Of Mind
The Importance Of Water
Clean drinking water is a necessity for life to thrive all around the world. About 71% of the Earth’s surface covered by water; however, the majority is not clean or accessible. About 96.5% of the water on earth is salty ocean water, and of the 3.5% that is left, only about 0.8% of that water is fresh water available in lakes and aquifers. People all around the world are dependent on less than 1% of the earth's water to survive... and that small portion of water is not being effectively distributed to those who need it. The bottom line is this: water conservation is essential. As the earth's population continues to grow, the limited availability of fresh water is going to continue becoming an increasing concern because without fresh water, people simply cannot live well.
Thinking globally, over 2 billion people are forced to drink water that is contaminated or unsafe, and over 800,000 people die each year because of water-related sickness. As much as it is difficult to think about and read these numbers, the lack of safe drinking water is a reality for far too many people.
Water and Drought
There has been massive droughts here in the United States, and people are beginning to notice it. The American west is facing a megadrought the likes of which has not been seen in at least the last 1,200 years. Recent news highlights the problems being faced with the Colorado River water, the dropping levels of Lake Mead and Lake Powell, and how people are beginning to notice. Recent legislation was passed sanctioning over $4 billion to be spent over the course of a decade combating the effects of the droughts.
Wasted Water
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, about 1.7 trillion gallons of potable water gets wasted every year, and that's in the U.S. alone. The average water pipe in the U.S. is 45 years old, and some cast iron pipes are over 100 years old. There are 2.2 million miles of underground pipes that provide drinking water infrastructure, and there is a water main break every two minutes somewhere in the U.S. In addition, about 14% of treated water in the U.S. is lost through leaks, and some systems report water loss rates of 60% and above.
The Cost Of Water
Fresh, accessible water is not only running in short supply and being wasted at astronomical rates. It is also getting more and more expensive. The truth is that the rising cost of water is not entirely surprising. Basic supply and demand would suggest that as available fresh water becomes more scarce, the price should go up. The actuall numbers show that water bills have gone up over 50% on average in the past 10 years, meaning that there has been an average increase of over 4% per year. With costs climbing so significantly, everyday water expenses are quickly becoming costs that building owners and individual water users simply cannot ignore.
Leaks Are Expensive
Commercial insurance premiums are escalating to levels that are difficult to reconcile. According to one large commercial insurer, the leading cause of property loss in many real estate buildings is due to water damage. According to their data, there is about a 50 percent chance that any building's next property damage claim will be water-related and that the loss from that claim will, on average, cost three times as much as a claim that does not involve water.
Water damage is so common that it takes up about 57% of their real estate claims and makes up about 71% of the severe damage they see. Not only does water damage cause problems with plumbing and leaks through a building, it also can require extensive cleaning, remediation, and drying... which can leave useable spaces vacant and displace tenants.
Water damage expenses are so high that they surpass the combined total of the other top five commercial loss categories including fires, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.
Making Every Drop Count
In light of all the problems, expenses, and headaches that are caused by water damage and water issues, PhantomH2O is here to help. Industry estimates suggest that simply implementing water savings strategies can decrease bills by 20 percent or more... not including the savings derived from reducing insurance costs or from getting any State or Federal incentives that are available.
We don't stop there though. We take water management a step further with our proprietary conservation device that gives you real conservation from the day you install. Any savings from leaks we catch, improved use habits, visibility, or alerts you receive from our monitoring on top of that then improves your cost savings and helps you conserve even more water.
Water Conservation Is The Future
It has become clear that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives have become a corporate responsibility and are here to stay. There are a wide variety of policy changes being put in place at Federal, State, and Local levels around ESG with increasingly strong regulations and enforcement. Policies such as Local Law 97 in New York City and the Green New Deal in Los Angeles are paving the way to new environmental standards across the country as we all become accountable to do our part to protect the Earth's most precious natural resources.
PhantomH2O Is The Solution
Our team of seasoned engineers and executives from the environmental, financial, insurance, technology, and water management sectors are here to help you. Our goal is to revolutionize the way people think about water management and monitoring... and to help commercial water users implement the right systems to conserve water, save money, and empower their assets with truly impactful water management capabilities.
There is no better time than now to find out how the PhantomH2O system can help you by serving your buildings. If you are ready to get started with us and find out what it means to have truly empowered water management, then schedule a free call with us today.
We believe that in order to implement the right system for each asset, it is critical that we meet with you. We want to understand your goals and help you by providing the right solution for your specific asset. Schedule a call with us to begin looking into how the PhantomH2O system can best serve you.
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