
Keep Your Buildings Protected From Leaks And Keep Your Tenants Happy 24/7 

Leaks In Residential Buildings

  • Families Displaced And Forced To Move Out 
  • Damage To Buildings
  • Inaccurate Billing

Monitoring And Visibility 24/7

  • Catch Leaks Even When Everyone Is Sleeping
  • Prevent Water Damage With Real-Time Alerting To Key Personnel Who Can Find And Fix Problems Fast
  • See How Much Water You Are Using With Detailed Reports, Trends, And Analysis
  • AI-Powered Use Monitoring Helps Us Establish Your Expected Use And Tell You How Much Water You Should Be Using

What People Are Saying About Our Monitoring System

This monitoring system  has been "preventing what could have been financially devastating losses to a household. We’ve also helped conserve water resources and minimize unnecessary loss"

Julie (Director Of Community Resources)

This system "has changed our lives and the way we do business! It is wonderful to work with you all, each and every one of you proved to be as enthusiastic as we are and more responsive than any other vendor we have ever worked with"

Patricia (Customer Service Manager)

“I left my vacation home for several months and came back to discover that I had an open irrigation line that had run the whole time. After paying a huge water bill, I hired a plumber to install an AMX water controller... Now I can check my water usage and turn it off wherever I am.”

Margaret (From Salem South Carolina)

Success Story Highlight (New Orleans, LA)

This client began by installing our proprietary conservation valve and a utility-grade water meter on their main water line. Once we had insight into their water use, it quickly became clear that they were using more water than they should. We worked with them to go deeper into their property and installed a sub-meter on their cooling tower. 

​We also helped this client look into potential savings opportunities. Because we were measuring the water use on their cooling tower, we were able to save them $4,500 each month. This is now creating an ongoing annual savings of around $54,000 for this property...

Schedule A Call With Us To Discover How PhantomH2O Can Serve Your Assets! 

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