How Measuring Water Use Created Average Monthly Savings Of $4,500

Friday, September 06, 2024

One of our clients with large amounts of water use has been able to see an average reduction of $4,500 per month in their water bills. 

​When we first began analyzing this property, they knew they were using more water than they should be and in one month saw their bills go up by 69.1%... but had no way to find out where their water was going. 

We started with this property by installing our proprietary conservation valve and a utility-grade water meter on their main water line. Once we had insight into their water use, it quickly became clear that they were using more water than they should have been. 

​They had a cooling tower, and whenever there was extra water use, they simply pointed to the cooling tower as an easy excuse. With our team's experience monitoring water systems, we understood that the cooling tower was not likely using all of this extra water. 

​We worked with this client to install a utility-grade sub-meter on the cooling tower water line so that they could actually see how much water was being used there. 

​We also helped this client work with their utility billing provider to find appropriate savings opportunities. Because we were measuring the water use on their cooling tower, we were able to help them save about $4,500 each month... 

​This will be creating an annual savings of about $54,000. And those savings number will only increase as the cost of water continues going up in the future. 

​And the cool thing is that they are also receiving savings from our conservation device, visibility into their use helping them catch leaks, and AI-powered monitoring that is helping them protect their property 24/7.

We would love to take a look at your property with you to analyze your property's potential savings. We would love to have a conversation with you and discuss how the PhantomH2O system might be able to help your properties conserve water and save money. 

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